Usage examples

Python library

For full documentation of the functions, see Reference → aacgm2.

>>> from aacgm2 import convert
>>> from datetime import date
>>> # geo to AACGM, single numbers
>>> mlat, mlon, malt = convert(60, 15, 300, date(2013, 11, 3))
>>> "{0:.8f}".format(float(mlat))
>>> "{0:.8f}".format(float(mlon))
>>> "{0:.8f}".format(float(malt))
>>> # AACGM to geo, mix arrays/numbers
>>> glat, glon, galt = convert([90, -90], 0, 0, date(2013, 11, 3), a2g=True)
>>> ["{0:.8f}".format(float(gl)) for gl in glat]
['82.96859922', '-74.33899667']
>>> ["{0:.8f}".format(float(gl)) for gl in glon]
['-84.65010944', '125.84759847']
>>> ["{0:.8f}".format(float(ga)) for ga in galt]
['14.12457922', '12.87721946']

Command-line interface

The Python package also installs a command called aacgm2 with two sub-commands, aacgm2 convert and aacgm2 convert_mlt. The command-line interface allows you to make use of the Python library even if you don’t know or use Python. See Reference → Command-line interface for a list of arguments to the commands. Below are some simple usage examples.

Convert geographical/magnetic coordinates

Produce a file called e.g. input.txt with the input latitudes, longitudes and altitudes on each row separated by whitespace:

# lat lon alt
# comment lines like these are ignored
60 15 300
61 15 300
62 15 300

To convert this to AACGM-v2 for the date 2015-02-24, run the command aacgm2 convert -i input.txt -o output.txt -d 20150224. The output file will look like this:

57.47612194 93.55719875
58.53323704 93.96069212
59.58522105 94.38968625

Alternatively, you can skip the files and just use command-line piping:

$ echo 60 15 300 | aacgm2 convert -d 20150224
57.47612194 93.55719875

Convert MLT

This works in much the same way as convert. The file should only contain a single column of numbers (MLTs or magnetic longitudes, depending on which way you’re converting):


To convert these MLTs to magnetic longitudes at 2015-02-24 14:00:15, run e.g. aacgm2 convert_mlt 20150224140015 -i input.txt -o output.txt -v (note that the date/time is a required parameter). The output file will then look like this:


Like with convert, you can use stdin/stdout instead of input/output files:

$ echo 12 | aacgm2 convert_mlt 20150224140015 -v