Command-line interface

When you install this package you will get a command called aacgm2. It has two subcommands, convert and convert_mlt, which correspond to the functions aacgm2.convert() and aacgm2.convert_mlt(). See the documentation for these functions for a more thorough explanation of arguments and behaviour.

You can get help on the two commands by running aacgm2 convert -h and aacgm2 convert_mlt -h.


$ aacgm2 convert -h
usage: aacgm2 convert [-h] [-i FILE_IN] [-o FILE_OUT] [-d YYYYMMDD] [-v] [-t]
                       [-a] [-b] [-g]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -i FILE_IN, --input FILE_IN
                        input file (stdin if none specified)
  -o FILE_OUT, --output FILE_OUT
                        output file (stdout if none specified)
                        date for magnetic field model (1900-2020, default:
  -v, --a2g             invert - convert AACGM to geographic instead of
                        geographic to AACGM
  -t, --trace           use field-line tracing instead of coefficients
  -a, --allowtrace      automatically use field-line tracing above 2000 km
  -b, --badidea         allow use of coefficients above 2000 km (bad idea!)
  -g, --geocentric      assume inputs are geocentric with Earth radius 6371.2


$ aacgm2 convert_mlt -h
usage: aacgm2 convert_mlt [-h] [-i FILE_IN] [-o FILE_OUT] [-v] YYYYMMDDHHMMSS

positional arguments:
  YYYYMMDDHHMMSS        date and time for conversion

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -i FILE_IN, --input FILE_IN
                        input file (stdin if none specified)
  -o FILE_OUT, --output FILE_OUT
                        output file (stdout if none specified)
  -v, --m2a             invert - convert MLT to AACGM longitude instead of
                        AACGM longitude to MLT